Foundational Papers in Complexity Science pp. 2143–2209
DOI: 10.37911/9781947864559.69
Connecting Connectionist Models
Author: Stephanie Forrest, University of Arizona; Santa Fe Institute
How do systems like the brain, the immune system, ecosystems, or financial markets learn and adapt over time? From the early days of computing, scientists and engineers alike have sought to abstract the key mechanisms of adaptation, learning, and intelligence and encode them in a computer. Norbert Weiner, an early cyberneticist, hypothesized that feedback mechanisms were the key ingredient of intelligence (Wiener 1948), Ross Ashby’s general theory of adaptive systems emphasized system states and the role of modeling in intelligence (Ashby 1956), and Donald O. Hebb’s influential book Organization of Behavior emphasized synaptic learning and cell assemblies (Hebb 1949). Meanwhile, engineers developed computational realizations of different aspects of adaptive systems: neural networks (McCulloch and Pitts 1943), genetic algorithms and classifier systems (Holland 1962, 1975; Holland et al. 1989), reinforcement learning and minimax algorithms (Samuel 1959; Kaelbling, Littman, and Moore 1996; Russell and Norvig 2003), and symbolic artificial intelligence models (Newell and Simon 1956). For understandable reasons, these efforts focused primarily on intelligence in the brain and on human thought processes, and over time each developed its own formalisms, terminology, and research communities specific to the type of system being studied. As computing matured, other researchers developed computational models in fields far afield from the brain, including chemical reaction networks and immunology.
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