Foundational Papers in Complexity Science pp. 2447–2533
DOI: 10.37911/9781947864559.78
Natural Information Processing
Author: Peter M. A. Sloot, University of Amsterdam; Rick Quax, University of Amsterdam; and Mile Gu, Nanyang Technological University
Measuring the emergent complexity of a complex system has itself become a complex process—and is still ongoing. Over the past few decades, an ever-expanding realm of researchers from various disciplines have come up with a wide variety of different metrics, starting from different viewpoints and answering different questions that can often somehow be related to each other. A root cause of this expansion is the difficulty of pinning down the exact problem. Or as Seth Lloyd (2001) aptly put it: “A historical analog to the problem of measuring complexity is the problem of describing electromagnetism before Maxwell’s equations.”
Initially, many researchers were in pursuit of the complexity measure: one formula or algorithm that quantifies the amount of complexity in any given program or pattern. The sheer variety of measures that resulted has shifted the focus to look for a complexity measure: a choice that depends on the context, the research question, and the assumptions one is willing to make.
In this light, James Crutchfield’s 1994 paper can be seen as a novel approach in the statistical description of complexity measures, but with a key distinction that has crucial consequences.
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